Tuesday, July 7, 2009


This morning was off to a good start as I watched the highlights of the Phillies beating the Reds 22-1. Then it quickly soured when TPIR was replaced by a soap opera. Grumble. In the afternoon I lounged for a bit. Then I worked on my act a bit, writing and practicing. I also scanned the internet for some clips. I'm still shocked by how much the audience matters. I just did not find them funny. But I guess if others were laughing. I also feel like I am trying not to find them funny since the less funny they are the easier my task is. So, that might also be helping.

On the advice of the teacher at my school, I decided to get out tonight and perform as often as possible. So I went to the open-mic that I checked out a few weeks ago. Though I'll count it as a performance for my counting, it's not really something to come to. It's ridiculously low-key, so I'll use it to try out my new stuff. Even though most of my stuff is new, this is my really new stuff.

I got there a bit early - the place was less than packed. It started about half an hour late, which based on last time seems to be the norm as people trickle in. I get the feeling that the summer is slow for comedy. People are away, it's nice and light out later, people are content just hanging around. So yeah, not that many people there tonight. In the end I guess like 7 comedians and 5 non comedians. But that is the vibe I get from all open mics in general. It's just what everyone starting has to do.

My actual performance time went okay. I did all new stuff, but it's hard to get a sense of what works when only about 4 people are actively listening. So, yeah. But I did learn some things. Like that I should act as though there are 100 people there. If I don't I'll get in the habit of performing like it's in the corner of a room with four people. I also learned to memorize much more of my set. I definitely relied too much on my notes. I chatted with the emcee after the show, and he echoed my thoughts. He said that I should slow down and get off the notes, which I agree with. I also need to just be more confident, or at least come across as such. It's much easier to be confident and funny then not, even though some people pull off the withdrawn style. But I don't think that's what I should be aiming for, so I just need to get in the right mentality. He seemed positive about my stuff. I like how my jokes are coherent and tell a story. They are not random silly musings that end with "Shut up! I'll beat my kids if I want." Or something clearly inane like that. So, all in all, a decent night.

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