Thursday, July 30, 2009


I had a very lazy morning. What else is new - FMW, TPIR, MM. In the afternoon I lounged a little longer than usual, but eventually got to work. I wrote some new things that I liked, so that was productive. I played some piano for a while, I'm almost done my intro book. I went to the post office to pick up a package. I gave her my slip and she left to find it. Five minutes later I looked at my watch. Five more minutes later (for a total of ten), she came back and gave me a package. So, ten minutes. No wonder people complain the postal service is slow. For dinner I had more of my eggplant. Mmm.

Tonight was a much better night at this gig than before. I got there at about 7:15 to sign up, but apparently the order of sign-up is not the order of the show, so the earliness factor is not as important, at least not here. It started probably around 8:00, which is not bad considering. Beforehand though, I did a lot of chatting with the other comedians, which was nice. Even after just a month here people know who I am and feel free to discuss things with me. It's a nice, small-knit community, exactly as promised. I feel like in New York I could have gone the whole summer without seeing the same people twice. So I really like this community.

The show was decent. Just under two hours, better than the two and a half last week. The comedians were, as always, a mixed bag, but I think a pretty solid group. I liked my set a lot, I think it went well. I did a lot of new stuff that did well, and what didn't work I could easily see. I felt more comfortable today, maybe because I knew more people. Or maybe because I'm getting better. It was interesting to hear one comedian say before he told a joke "It's a month old, so I still count it as new." For me, new jokes I've done never or once. For him, he may have done it at least ten times. So as a really new comedian, I have a different mindset of what I'm doing. So hopefully I'll get to keep doing shows and have actually new material become my new material. That also means I'd have real material, tried and true.

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