Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Played MM this morning for a bit until my mom and uncle showed up. Using my super connections on Capitol Hill (aka Bill), we were able to get a tour of the Capitol Building even though they were booked online. Take that, system! So we are grateful to Bill for procuring us those tickets. The tour consisted of a brief movie, then going through the rotunda and some adjacent rooms. It was shorter than expected, but I guess the rest is actual offices/chambers, so tours can't go there. We decided to wait in line to see the House in session. What looked like a short line turned into a 30 minute wait, but I think it was worth it. We heard about 10 Republicans all speak for one minute to a room of 15 people about how bad the health care bill was. It was like my comedy gigs, but they get to be on TV. I want to headline on C-SPAN. We finished our touring with an abridged perusal of the Air and Space Museum.

We planned to meet Henk,a friend of mine and my brother's from home, for dinner and my gig. I picked him up at the metro and we drove to the place where we parked and then wandered to go find a place for dinner. We found a pretty decent grill place, and I had leftovers so, nice, another meal.

This show was one of the more bizarre shows. There were a total of five other comedians and maybe 5 additional audience members. One comedian was from out of town, one I hadn't seen, and the other three I had seen. I ended up going right after the host. I liked what I did, even though I didn't have much time to prepare. It was a little strange acting out the role of my mom (not so much an impression as a caricature...kinda...) with her there, but no biggee. I don't know what it is, but there is something comforting about the mic. It's like how an instrument separates a musician from their music, but not as much. So, I prefer the mic, I think.

The bizarrity occurred when one of the comedians did crowd work. After first being advised to stick to comedy even if I was routinely booed. Then I was advised not to be a comedian lest I end up with his life. Then when it was unearthed that I went to Princeton, I was advised to go to Princeton and not be a comedian. But not to be a computer engineer, I should get a real job like a doctor or a lawyer. It was then concluded that I should try if I want...maybe, and he gave me a comedy book. So I don't know what to say to that. I think I can be a student and a comedian. It's like a student athlete, except even at Princeton more people watch the student athletes.

But, after the show, one of the audience members found me in the parking lot and said I should disregard the previous advice and do comedy. He also said he studied computer science, so that was cool. I'm glad I was funny to him. Woo.

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