Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Played a lot of MM this morning. Took just about the whole 3 days at 1/2 speed time to beat the Great Bay Temple. Then I waited as Bill frantically packed and got ready for his three week trip. It's strange to think our paths may never cross again after our cohabitation. But the good news on his departure is that my living situation has improved! I've upgraded from a futon in a shared room to a real bed in my own "room" aka glorified bed hole. But it's better. Except I don't have the right sheets. Oh well, I kick them off anyway.

In the afternoon, feeling unfunny but wishing to be productive, I sent a lot of e-mails and did a lot of investigating about the stand-up club. I checked to see what needs to be done to have a club recognized. Apparently a lot, including a constitution. And also a petition of the charter members, which seems silly since I should be able to attract members, not know them already. I had a correspondence with someone in USG and someone in the Dean's office. I also sent an e-mail to a friend in Quipfire (the improv troupe) for some ideas about the comedy community and how to run a small, mostly independent organization. He gave me the name of another member of the group interested in stand-up, so I contacted him as well.

I tried to get data about tickets sold to various campus comedy events. The response was that I needed permission from ODUS to get that information. So I asked them for their permission to get their data, which I would then present...to them, for their approval. Seems very bureaucratic. But we can't have ridiculous student groups running a muck (this phrase is apparently two words...), so I guess it's necessary. I have no doubt that this club would be approved, it just needs to get done. I also sent an inquiry to the Harvard stand-up club about their operations. So tomorrow the e-mails will roll in, since everyone is always prompt with their e-mails. Right? Right? An unexciting evening, but I feel good about the headway I'm making with this. I'll prepare for and go to a performance tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, it's amok: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/amok
