Monday, July 6, 2009


Today I began my productivity. In the morning I finished Zelda! Take that Ganandorf! But now I cannot waste my time with that, which is good. I watched TPIR and other various TV while I ate lunch and did my laundry. For dinner I finished some chili that had lasted a few dinners. Then we hung out, watched jeopardy, watched Bill finally drive his moped.

Comedy wise, I finally began to do things. I sent some e-mails following up to my class and also a few regarding future gigs. I have one lined up for this Friday, I just have to confirm it. I spent a nice chunk of time writing. Nothing terribly refined, just throwing some ideas out there. I feel like I am easily distracted, especially since each unit of comedy is so small. It's not like I can write a whole paragrpah at a time. Maybe a sentence or two. Then I need to think of something quickly or my mind/internet wanders. But then I'll think of something and snap back. So I just need to minimize the in between time to be more productive. But really, if I can maintian my rate of productivity for 4-5 hours a day (which is about what I did), I think that would be decent. I should not be worried about the rate, I just need to make sure I'm working for that long. And that work is actually work, not pretending to work.

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