Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Great to Post Here!

and here!....and here!

That was one of Steve Martin's jokes, except he would stand in different spots on stage.

I just finished Martin's book Born Standing Up. It was a pretty good read, but seemed to indicate I would need to suffer 10 years of floundering before I succeed. He had a policy of never finishing a joke. He would just build the anticipation and then move on, causing the laugh after the joke was supposed to have ended. Very strange, and probably hard to implement. He also did a lot of sight gags, magic and singing, and just strange things. And he was the most popular comedian for a few years. So different from the screaming and yelling that is Dane Cook.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your method of building up anticipation could be giggling a lot to yourself before you tell the joke. It HAS to be funny if you think it's funny, right? Everyone will love it.

  3. Very different from Dane Cook. In that Steve Martin is actually funny.
