Friday, June 26, 2009


OK, that is not a verb. But it ends in -ing. So I'll take it.

This morning I had my last private lesson, also my last tune-up before my Sunday performance. I think it was helpful. We made some cuts and rewrote some jokes. I still think it's difficult to have a sense of what is funny aside from my own intuition. Or trying it out. I'm not sure where the in between is. Maybe I'll just have to develop my intuition, or be more critical/realistic with regard to my own writing. That will come with time, hopefully.

That was the only comedy for today. Aside from the performance, this weekend will be pretty comedy-less as I am constantly relocating and freeloading and being not in DC probably for the last time this summer. I took the train back to Princeton and then drove home (boo traffic on the Blue Route.) Then I really just hung out tonight, doing very little. That's OK though, I knew this weekend would be light.

A noteworthy story, though: While watching Jeopardy, I see that the final category is 19th Century American Literature. I proclaim "The Scarlet Letter." Than the answer comes up along the lines of "By the end of this tale, 'The mark was no longer a sign of shame.' " It was indeed the Scarlet Letter. I am so good.

1 comment:

  1. wow, that is very impressive. i always try to guess the answer but to no avail...
