Monday, June 15, 2009


I had a pretty standard morning. Some Zelda (beat Jabu-Jabu's Belly), some Price is Right. The TV was black and white due to some cable movement around the night before, but it was fixed later in the day. Played some keyboard, watched some Ellen, took a nap.

Comedy wise, a pretty good day. I stumbled upon some comedians on Comedy Central and decided to watch. They were both pretty good. The first did a lot of impressions, though, so that's not really my style. The second was more like my "style" (do I have a style?) - more observational, some side comments. People responded well. It's definitely worth watching other comedians. It's also nice to be able to watch tv as part of my "work."

I also prepared for my show on Wednesday. I settled on the material and hashed out exactly what I'm saying. But not exactly exactly, don't want to over-rehearse. Three minutes doesn't seem like a long time now. I'm sure it won't feel like three minutes when I'm on stage, but I don't know if it will feel like a second or like years. But I did some writing, some investigating about my subjects, wrote, refined, worked in my comedy k's. I like this set, it's short but I think funny. I'll work on it more tomorrow.

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