Thursday, June 18, 2009


I'm running out of relevant verbs. This morning I just killed time until I had to leave for the bus. My laptop cooling pad came right before I left, so I used it on the bus. I left a little after 12, took the metro, then walked to the bus. It was easy enough to find in the midst of a large parking lot. We boarded and left on time, and I was pretty close to having a whole 2 seats to myself, but someone sat next to me at the last minute. Oh well. I took a nice nap. The trip took 5 hours, including about an hour getting from Newark to our parking spot near Penn Station. I recommend Bolt for your bus travel needs.

On the way up, I worked on my comedy. I'm trying to group my jokes by category, and then write them joke by joke within each one. That way it's easier to focus on the setup/punchline structure. But for now I'm just trying to get my ideas down. A recent count reveals 9 topics, about 2-3 minutes per topic. So I theoretically have 20 minutes of material. But none of that is honed. But it's there for the molding. I do enjoy just writing and just stream of consciousness-ly putting down things I find funny.

My class was similar to last time. It was smaller, probably just randomly, as people go to either Tuesday or Thursday. I presented the stuff I performed yesterday as well as some new things. Everything went well, and I'm looking forward to working on it with him tomorrow. I think our time will be useful while I'm there, but also in helping learn what it means to work on a joke.

Staying at casa de Barnes/Ford. Watching fake football and sleeping on their pretty comfy couch.

1 comment:

  1. Idea: you could move away from gerunds as your post titles--maybe towards some infinitives?
