Tuesday, June 16, 2009


The standard non-com day. Woke up fairly early, but that's fine. Played a bunch of Zelda and plucked the master sword (they grow up so fast!) Watched the Price is Right, which was won by a really annoying guy with a belt. Grumble. And some guy couldn't figure out that as the last person you should always bid either $1 or $1 more than someone else's bid. Oh well. Played some piano, learned some more chords. I think the count is up to 4. I also learned some new hand positions; I'm turning into a virtuoso. Made some breakfast for dinner, that was pretty good.

Today was pretty productive comedy wise. I watched two comics on comedy central. One was really pushing the Hispanic jokes, which I guess were funny if the punchlines weren't in Spanish. The other was a Jewish woman who really pushed that angle. Apparently she had wacky Jewish family members - not particularly funny. I spent a good portion of the afternoon writing and working on my routine for tomorrow. I wrote some more jokes, it's interesting how once a subject starts it just keeps going. So I think I'm ready for tomorrow, my three minutes of fame.

My adventure tonight was scoping out an open mic night. I decided to drive into Arlington, VA. I left just before darkness, so the way there wasn't so bad. But still, the area around DC is pretty hard to navigate. There are exits everywhere, the exit numbers change as the roads "change." But I made it eventually. The venue was not exactly what I expected - just a microphone in the corner of a restaurant. The total crowd was the 8 comedians, 5 of their friends, and 4 people in the restaurant. A pretty measly crowd. The comedians were not fantastic, but it was a tough room, not a real atmosphere for laughter. There were some good lines in there though. It was a big contrast to the Bethesda show I saw. I imagine tomorrow night will be somewhere in between. But I think I'm less nervous due to the super-casual atmosphere of tonight. Tomorrow is a big day though, better sleep up.

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