Sunday, June 14, 2009


There was an impromptu visit from Carol this weekend. So today we did DCish things. Went to the zoo, went to a veg cafe. Maybe more touristy things tomorrow. We also rode the Metro successfully multiple times. I have to say though, I'm not terribly impressed. The trains are too sporadic (I can't wait 1o minutes!) and there were some delays. But this is compared to New York, which, first, is much larger, and second, had me taking trips from some of the more populated stations. So, I shall reserve my judgement.

Tonight was my first live stand-up experience --listening, not watching. But it was important for me to get a feel for the atmosphere, the experience, and the flow. It was a show at the fabulous Hyatt hotel in Bethesda, MD. It was not stricty open mic, as it is a paid show. But the guy hires people he likes from his open mic nights, so this may be in my future. We shall see.

There were 4 comedians and an emcee, who talked a lot more than I would expect him to. He did most of the crowd pandering/mocking/joking. It was good, people liked it. Sometimes it seemed a bit edgy, but it might be his job to set the taboo bar high so none of the comedians feel like they can't say something. The 4 comedians were decent. Some really hilarious things, some not. They had definitely been at it a long time. One claimed to have been in comedy since 1993. I was 3 then. That was a long time ago. But I think I learned a fair amount, how to carry myself, how to use the energy in the room. It's much different then watching at home.

Also, there was a competition at the end to tell a joke to win a prize. I told this gem, which got a not so great response: "My quack doctor told me to get a lobotomy. I gave him a piece of my mind." I swear it's funny. People were just too drunk at that point.

At least now I have a clearer sense of my goal. And my eye is certainly on the prize.

1 comment:

  1. You should have told my favorite joke: "What do you call cheese that's not yours? Nacho cheese!!"

    That got the big laughs at the Monsters Inc Laugh Factory in Disney World last summer.
