Friday, May 22, 2009

A Brief History of Comedy

When I tell my plan to people, a lot of them are surprised, not sure of where this came from. So a brief history of my interest:

- The first stand-up I heard was Bill Cosby, which my dad played on tapes in his car on what were then long car rides (maybe half an hour...hey, I was 5).

- I thought of my first joke (see earlier post) sometime in high school, and then started jotting down ideas as they came to me.

- My first and only stand-up performance was at the talent show for Governor's School as a rising senior in high school. It was pretty well received, a receptive and laughing audience. I used some puns there, some relationship jokes, some nerd jokes, even poked fun at an audience member (with his permission).

- In response to the question "What would you do if you did not go to college" for Penn State (which I later rescinded. Wooo Princeton), I answered that I would be a comedian. Little did I know.

- I applied for this award and won it. Now I have the whole summer ahead of me.

I think what attracts me to comedy is that it looks like people have such a good time doing it. What better hobby then to make people laugh? I do it all the time anyway, with my snide comments and my "Physics, more like Phy-sucks, am I right?" So, it's pretty much in my nature.

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