Friday, August 21, 2009


Another unexciting morning. The usual TPIR and such. Kabeer was home today, so we just hung out in the afternoon. We made a trek to McDonald's where Kabeer got the new Angus 1/3 pounder. I took enough money for an item on the dollar menu and ended up getting a sweet tea. It tasted like iced tea with an extra helping of corn syrup. Not too delicious. The I picked my things for tonight, ate some leftovers, and headed out for my final Comedy Spot show.

Tonight went decently. It was not terribly crowded, so the show was moving along. There were some regulars who weren't there. I went towards the end, but not that far along so there was still a decent crowd. My set went decently, definitely some things worth keeping. Whatever that means at this point. At the end of my time I thanked people and shared a minute summary of my comedic time this summer. They seemed appreciative and entertained, as I feel like I had the same experience the first two months as everyone else had.

The other comics were okay. Noteworthy was that there were two other young male comedians. One was very nervous and awkward and not funny. I think it was his first time. Hopefully he'll stick with it. He reminds me of me when I was a young comedian. Another had apparently been on the scene before but was away from the summer. He came back and was off his game, but seemed like he was normally funny. So, although I had the under 20 male spot locked up this summer, there were others on the scene.

Tomorrow is a day of cleaning and packing. Then hopefully my final show, provided the host returns my e-mail. We shall see.

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