Sunday, August 2, 2009


Another lazy weekend day. Some friends of Kabeer's and AP's crashed here last night, so I awoke to people sleeping all over the house. Then I watched them rush to get dressed before they headed out to a show. Not much happened in the afternoon. Laziness, perhaps. I put together my routine and then headed out to E.J.'s Landing.

This show is up there for the strangest I've done. The show was in a nautical themed restaurant in a Comfort Inn in College Park, MD, aka the place where people stay for the night when they're visiting UM. There were a large number of people there just to see one woman. They were fairly uninterested in much of what else was going on. Otherwise it was some comedians, only one of whom I'd seen before, and he ended up going first and then leaving. So an interesting crowd.

The order was out of a hat (actually, some sort of mock fishing trap I believe), and unfortunately I ended up going last. The comedians before me were not particularly good. They also went too long. Even with a fairly lengthy given time of 8-10 minutes, some people went way over. If anyone out there wants to start their own open-mic comedy show, limit people's time to 6, maybe 7 minutes, and make sure everyone knows that's the time. It's annoying when you follow the rules and others just keep yakking.

My set was OK. I'm not putting a lot of value in the feedback I received, just because there was no one listening. I picked up one or two little things that I'll know to do again, but not much else. Maybe I learned that it's hard to make people laugh who don't want to laugh. Or that 2 star hotel restaurants are strange places for comedy shows. There was also a very drunk woman who kept yelling things. She seemed to believe the comedian after me could not wear purple, though I think he pulled it off fine. Anyway, I'll be back there in two weeks for a comedy contest (woo?!) so hopefully the people there will want to see comedy and laugh and such.

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