Friday, August 14, 2009


A usual morning. A bit of sad news, I finished my FMWs, so I'll be surviving for the next week without them. Watched TPIR, the usual. I played some piano today, then worked on my stuff. I had to trim it down to what I want to use on Saturday. I ended up being a bit over, but I decided to just take that with me to the show and go from there.

After dinner and such I left for the show. There was a lot of traffic, which is strange because I left around 6:45. I also found out that one of the sources to traffic was rubbernecking, which is really annoying. Just drive past, don't look! Gah. So I got there and signed up and talked a little and then waited.

As usual, the show went pretty long and I went near the end. There were a few newish people there who ranged in quality. Then the usual people did their usual things. I finally went up towards the end and I think I did pretty well. Considering there were maybe twelve people in total in the audience, the fact that there was moderately consistent laughter was encouraging. I really like this material and I feel comfortable presenting it. So hopefully the people Saturday night will agree with me and I will be crowned champion of the boat-themed restaurant in College Park, MD, which pretty much means you've made it.

Pat leaves tomorrow which means I'll be yoinking his room, with a big bed an TV. I'll be spending the last week here in style. Nice!

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